Uncategorized Articles

How Can I Lower My Heating Bill This Winter?

February 14, 2025
HVAC Company building.

Our team of experts understands how high energy bills can rise, especially during peak seasons where your heating and cooling expenses increase.

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Video – Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

November 30, 2023
Video - Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air? - Cartoon Woman Shivering.

There are a few things to check in your home in the case that your furnace is blowing cold air, such as your thermostat settings, air filter, and your home’s ductwork.

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Common AC Problems and Solutions

July 14, 2023
AC Problems and Solutions. Woman sweating and trying to refresh at home

When the weather gets really hot in Everett, the last thing you want is a broken air conditioner. Many common problems with air conditioning systems can arise. Our team at Lifetime Heating, Cooling, & Electric wants you to be aware, prepared, and ready to solve these air conditioning issues so you and your family can stay cool this summer.

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