Air Conditioning Articles
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected so many lives around us, both health-wise and financially. At Lifetime Heating, Cooling & Electrical, we remain committed to providing the best service to all our Washington customers during this difficult time. Let’s stick together as a community and help each other whenever we can.
Continue ReadingYou can spend up to 30 percent less to cool and up to 60 percent less to heat when you upgrade your AC system, according to ENERGY STAR®.
Continue ReadingA major part of your health relies on getting a good night’s sleep. That’s why it’s not just important to run your air conditioner during the hot summer days. You also need to keep your home comfortably cool at night as well.
Continue ReadingThe US Department of Energy (DOE) says air conditioning can account for 35 to 40 percent of your utility bill here in Washington. At Lifetime Heating, Cooling & Electrical, we take energy efficiency seriously.
Continue ReadingYour air conditioner (AC) can do several things––keep your Washington home’s indoor air cooler than outdoor temperatures, help to keep indoor airborne allergens at bay, and help keep your home’s humidity low. But one thing it can’t do is kill mold.
Continue ReadingDeciding on the ideal time to replace your air conditioning system in Everett can be a challenge, so here are three areas our Lifetime Heating, Cooling & Electrical professionals suggest you monitor for telltale signs:
Continue ReadingIn the heat of the summer, it’s easy to assume that bigger is better when it comes to air conditioning (AC) systems. Obviously, if you have an air conditioner that’s too small in your Lake Stevens home, you will not be able to keep your temperatures consistently low even if the unit is running constantly. …
Continue ReadingWhen the weather gets really hot in Everett, the last thing you want is a broken air conditioner. Many common problems with air conditioning systems can arise. Our team at Lifetime Heating, Cooling, & Electric wants you to be aware, prepared, and ready to solve these air conditioning issues so you and your family can stay cool this summer.
Continue ReadingThe central air conditioning system is a simple pleasure of everyday life. Your home should be a place where you can relax. On a hot day, cool air is essential to your relaxation. If you take good care of your air conditioner with annual inspections and monthly filter swaps, it should last 10 to 15 years.
Continue ReadingIt’s about to heat up here in Snohomish. Make sure your air conditioner (AC) is primed for the Washington summer heat rays by scheduling a seasonal maintenance visit.
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